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SALT Youth Group

S (Service)
A (Action)
L (Love)
T (Together)

As the smallest amount of salt keeps water and life fresh, the SALT volunteer youth group wants to keep our world healthy by helping the neediest children. Whoever they are, wherever they are, we want to support them to get educated and grow up as healthy individuals!

​3%의 소금이 바다 3%의 소금이 바다 생명체의 부패를 막아주듯,  청소년/청년 봉사단체 The SALT는 우리 사회 가장 아픈 곳을 섬겨 더 나은 세상을 만들어 나가고자 합니다.생명체의 부패를 막아주3%의 소금이 바다 생명체의 부패를 막아주듯,  청소년/청년 봉사단체 The SALT는 우리 사회 가장 아픈 곳을 섬겨 더 나은 세상을 만들어 나가고자 합니다.듯,  청소년/청년 봉사단체 The SALT는 우리 사회 가장 아픈 곳을 섬겨 더 나은 세상을 만들어 나가고자 합니다.

“You are the salt of the earth." (Matthew 5:13)

Share your Love, Passion, and Dedication by volunteering with SALT

Anyone is welcome to donate their talents or funds to aid those in need through SALT Volunteer.


​You may contribute on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis by inputting the desired amount and period of time in the form to the right.


You may also choose the type of volunteering projects or services you would like to participate in. Please choose one from the ongoing projects to the left.


​SALT Volunteer strives to bring positive change by actively seeking out projects and solutions. Our efforts are especially focused on providing educational opportunities.

Pic3. 4학년 줌수업(최서희)_20221012.jpg

A Starting Point of True Change

SALT Volunteer strives to help people by creating educational opportunities. We support building schools and IT centers in impoverished regions, encouraging young children to learn important skills for the future. To this end, we design and develop e-books, online tutorials, and offer Zoom classes to teach various subjects such as Computer, English, Korean, and many others.

Training Young Leaders with a Social Vision


SALT Volunteer regularly offers leadership training for middle and high school students to teach compassion and about serious human rights issues across the globe. Participants in our leadership program receive the Certificate of Leadership for Social Change issued by the UNDP.

Year-round Charity through Social Products Development


Stable and ongoing funding is often the key to a successful charity cause. With this in mind, SALT Volunteer has developed various products ranging from canvas bags to fruit syrups and sells them through our website as well as diverse local and school bazaars. All our products come to fruition through our creativity, talent, and efforts.

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